Top 10 Ways to Be A Greener Brewery

Below are ten relatively simple ways to help your brewery be more environmentally conscious.

  • Form a "Green Team"

    Your employees have a keen eye for your operation and can quickly recommend and manage sustainable alternatives. A Green Team with a top down approach and cooperation between departments can have a major impact on your operation.

  • Order & Place PakTech Bins

    Recycling PakTech handles on site is the best way to divert this plastic from the landfill. Engaging consumers who cannot currently recycle them curbside is a great way to build a relationship and recycle this high value plastic at the same time.

    Order PakTech Bins HERE

  • Explore BottleDrop Reusable Bottles

    OBRC has great 12oz and 500ml bottle options for bottling brewers with an eye for sustainability. Bottles can be reused up to 25 times and greatly reduce the carbon footprint of packaged beer.

    BottleDrop Program Info

  • Install Recycling System

    Clearly marked, conspicuously placed and well maintained recycling bins are a great way to start on the road to zero waste. REDUCE the amount of packaging you purchase, REUSE what you can and RECYCLE the rest!

  • Check for Leaks!

    Leaks in CO2, compressed air and water lines can cost you money! Spray soapy water on gas fittings to reveal bubbles and look for drips on water lines.

  • Use LED Lighting Incentives

    LED lighting upgrades are fast, easy and cost effective thanks to the Energy Trust of Oregon. The incentives are easy to navigate with the help of a licensed electrician.

    Energy Trust of Oregon

  • Reduce CO2 Use

    Purging tanks consumes massive quantities of CO2. Intermittent cleaning of bright tanks, acid cleaning and the use of balancing lines during transfer can greatly reduce CO2 use.

  • Reuse Caustic All Week

    Reusing caustic can save chemicals and water. A simple heated tank and proper titration are all you need!

  • Maximize Brewhouse Yields

    Employing hop extracts can reduce the amount of plant matter in the kettle and whirlpool. This can significantly improve brewhouse yield and reduce costs.

  • Use Ratchet Straps

    Plastic keg bands cannot be recycled and end up in the landfill. Double Mountain Brewery has implemented an innovative ratchet strap solution. Add a deposit to keg pallet orders and ask that they be returned on the next empty keg shipment. It's just that easy!